
Showing posts from January, 2023

Breaking Barriers:

  This beautiful world that we are residing in is the world which is facing a major autonomy issue. Be it the freedom for the women to work or to wear what they want or to have children. Simply put, it is the autonomy of how you want to live. So, what exactly is the barrier which is coming in between? What is stopping you to become who you want? It is the 'change'. Change in itself is a barrier. Why do most of the women face problem when they say that they want to work and earn. It is because society is not used to that situation. It is the change in the society that is acting as a barrier. From the very beginning people have expected women to practice household work and have expected men to go out and earn.   Therefore, this development in the society in the minds of the people is the barrier. Why in a county of white people 'black faces a problem'?   Because it is the difference, it is the change. For them, black is a change in the white. It is important for people